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Traffic information

Taoyuan Airport to Taichung

Airport MRT:

Take the Airport MRT to Huanbei at Terminal 1, get off at Taoyuan High Speed Rail Station, take the high speed rail towards Zuoying, and get off at Taichung Station. The journey time is about one hour.

Airport Passenger Transport:

Take Tonglian Passenger Transport No. 1623 (to the National Army Heroes Hall) at Platform 13 of Terminal 1, and get off at Chaoma Station.

High-speed rail station to Tunghai University

Hexin Bus No. 161 - High Speed Rail Taichung Station > Taichung Airport

After arriving at Taichung High Speed Rail Station, transfer to Hexin Bus No. 161 to Tunghai University. Get off at the "Vong Zong Branch" station. You can reach Tunghai University through the underpass. The journey time is about 40 to 60 minutes.
*For the detailed fare schedule, please go toTaichung City Government Bus Information Service SystemInquire.
* From the gate of the school to the College of Arts, you need to go through an uphill section, and the journey takes about 15 minutes.


Guests can also take an urban taxi directly from the High Speed Rail Taichung Station to Tunghai University. The journey time is about 20 to 40 minutes.
*For detailed bus information, please go toTaiwan High Speed Rail Traffic Information PageInquire.
*After entering the campus, you can drive directly to the front of Lu Siyi Church, and then walk to the Faculty of Arts for about 5 minutes.


Parallel Lines

Bus to Tunghai University

Taichung Bus: Take buses 88, 103, 106, 146, or 147 at Taichung Bus Terminal or Chaoma Station, get off at Tunghai University, and you will arrive.

Juye Passenger Transport: Take to Juye Passenger Transport Terminal or Chaoma Station:

(1) Qingshui-Wuqi-Taichung Line,

(2) Tongxiao - Dajia - Taichung, get off at Taichung Rong Main Station, and go to the gate of Tunghai University through the underpass.

Tonglian Passenger Transport: In front of Taichung Railway Station or under the flyover opposite Tonglian Zhonggang Transfer Station, take bus No. 83 towards Donghai and Rongzong, get off at Taichung Rongzong (underground intersection of Dongda Road Section 1), and you will arrive.

Taichung Express Bus (BRT):
If you come to our school from the direction of Taichung City, please get off at [Rong Zong/Tunghai University]. After getting off, please turn left and cross the road, go downhill to the sidewalk and walk along the red fence, which is the entrance and exit of the school.
If you come to our school from the direction of Shalu, please get off at the main entrance of Tunghai University [Rongzong/Tunghai University], then cross the road and turn right, which is the entrance and exit of our school.

Related URLs:Taichung real-time bus dynamic information

Bus route map:BRT/307 Road/309 Road

drive by yourself

Taichung Interchange: After getting off the Taichung Interchange on Zhongshan Expressway, take Zhonggang Road towards Shalu Taichung Port, and you will arrive at Tunghai University about three kilometers away.

Longjing Interchange: After getting off the Longjing Interchange at No. 2 High School, take Taiwan Avenue towards the city, and you will arrive at Tunghai University about three kilometers away.

Tunghai International Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research 2023



2023  Tunghai International Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research


October 21st, 2023


Xitun District, Taichung City 407224

No. 1727, Section 4, Taiwan Avenue   Language building  & College of Arts

Contact Us

Conference Assistant: Ms. Rong-Xuan (Linsy)  Lan

Tel: (04)23590121 - 31800

Address: No. 1727, Section 4, Taiwan Avenue, Xitun District, Taichung City 407 ( International Gragudate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language )

© byTunghai University International Symposium on Second Language Teaching and ResearchTunghai International Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research 2023. Proudly created with

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